Mission Statement

St. Anthony Church in Superior and Lake Nebagamon have the same mission statement because, in part, we share one pastor.

“We, the parishioners of St. Anthony Church, pass on our Catholic heritage from one generation to the next as we welcome others in our witness to Christ and his Gospel in a living community of faith, hope, and love.”

Our Mission is Part of Our History

Seeds of our new mission statement were contained in the words of former priests who served our two parishes:

Fr. Joe Willger, Parochial Administrator under Msgr. Alphonse Kress, who in 1976 on the occasion of the diamond jubilee of St. Anthony (Lake Nebagamon) wrote, “The history of a parish is an account of the growth in faith, hope, and love of the worshiping community.”

Fr. Tom Reibold, Pastor of St. Anthony in Lake Nebagamon, in 1990 wrote, “Take special notice of the faces of the children. They will be the first adults of the twenty-first century. Here is the challenge in its most appealing form: can we pass on to these children our cherished traditions, a spirit of dedicated vitality and a renewed spirit to carry them into the next century?”

Fr. Raymond Schoone, who in 1989 on the occasion of the diamond jubilee of St. Anthony (Superior) wrote, “We remember all the people who have been a part of [our] history. They brought the faith to this community. They sacrificed to begin the church and the school. Through St. Anthony Church they sought to preserve the faith which they brought with them from their native country. Within the parish they found friendship and love and care. Through St. Anthony parish you have passed on your faith and values to new generations of children. On this occasion we give thanks for faith and for all the people of faith, both past and present. May we continue that tradition of faith and love as we answer the call of Jesus to follow him and to love one another.”